
Intelligent heat control for shine. Powerful digital motor.

Dyson digital motor V9

The power behind a new kind of hair dryer

Find out why the Dyson digital motor V9 will change the way you dry your  hair.
A woman holding the Dyson digital motor V9
"Fast drying isn’t just about high‑speed air. You also need the right balance of pressure and turbulence. You need to control the air, and make it stable." Tom Crawford Global Product Development Director

The Dyson digital motor V9

Uniquely positioned in the handle, the Dyson digital motor spins on average 6 times faster than other hair dryer motors at one inaudible frequency – yet is a third of the weight1. The thirteen-blade axial flow impeller generates 3.5kPa of pressure, propelling 13 litres of air up to the amplifier every second.
Up to
Revolutions per minute
Impeller blades

Glass bead thermistor

This measures exit temperature 20 times every second, and reports it straight to the microprocessor.
The Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer's intelligent heat control system


This clever microprocessor quickly calculates instructions and adjusts the double-stack heating element.
“There's a lot of talk about negative ions, and how they can add moisture back into your hair. Whilst they do reduce static, to retain moisture you really need a machine that stops your hair over-drying in the first place.” Katsuya Kamo International hair and make up artist

Damaged hair scatters light,
leaving it dull

When hair is exposed to extreme temperatures, pores can begin to form within the strands. When light hits these pores, it scatters in all directions. This can reduce reflected light, decreasing shine.
A comparison of damaged hair's ability to reflect light with that of healthy hair
A comparison of damaged hair's ability to reflect light with that of healthy hair

Hair that’s less damaged is better
at reflecting light, making it shine

The Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer uses intelligent heat control to maintain Dyson’s optimum temperature, helping to prevent extreme heat damage. Less damaged hair reflects light in a single direction, making the hair appear shiny.
A comparison of damaged hair's ability to reflect light with that of healthy hair
A comparison of damaged hair's ability to reflect light with that of healthy hair

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